Friday, March 30, 2007


I do "fun surveys" on occasion, (as many of you know). Most I discard as rubbish. A laugh, but mostly of no consequence whatsoever. But after a stressful day and hearing some news that saddened me, this came as a welcome surprise.

Which Positive Quality Are You?
Your Result: Faith

You are Faith. Faith is the belief in better things, in spite of the cynicism and doubt that swirls around us. Faith gives us strength; it inpsires us to move forward and follow our hearts. "Faith tells us what the senses do not."



Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Lies, Damn Lies and Internet Service Providers

Hey ho.

Biscit is no more.

Strangely, I'm not angry or upset at all. It has a sort of Shakesperian Tragedy feel to it, a sorta inevitability. So, they bought V21 to shore up their debts, and went bust trying to pull it all together again. 6,000 customers in the UK was not enough, and doesn't sound like enough to me, frankly.

I do feel a little sad saying goodbye to V21, the best ISP I have had dealings with (and I've been through a few). And the vultures have already started sending stuff to my inbox desperately wanting my business.

But I'm going to a company that I trust and is not likely to go bust after a couple of dodgy decisions by the MD. And its all set for next Monday.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

When in Wales

Although I'm an English girl, what better way to celebrate St David's Day?

Apparently, this is the official St David's Day Flag.

But I thought I'd add the more well known dragon flag.